Sarah Everard: Killed by the System

“Killed by the system we’re told ‘protects’ us.” These were the words on one placard at the vigil held on Saturday evening for Sarah Everard in London – a protest against the daily violence, oppression, and unsafe conditions that women face under capitalism.

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Reclaiming the revolutionary legacy of Rosa Luxemburg

To celebrate the 150th birthday of Rosa Luxemburg, we publish an extract from the introduction to ‘The Revolutionary Heritage of Rosa Luxemburg’, a new look analysing the life and ideas of this great revolutionary Marxist.

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Polish working women and men fight back against the abortion ban: Down with the Government!

The PiS (Law and Justice Party) government in Poland, led by right-wing Catholics and Nationalists, have for years tried to carry through extreme laws against abortion, under pressure from the Catholic Church. Any attempts so far have been resisted by mass mobilisation of predominantly young and working-class women on the streets.

Continue reading Polish working women and men fight back against the abortion ban: Down with the Government!

Poland: Judicial Ban on Abortion is an Attack on the Working Class!

The following statement from our comrades in Poland condemns the Polish judiciary’s ruling to severely limit abortion. The rotten, anti-woman, anti-worker bourgeois regime must be brought down!

Read the original in Polish by Czerwony Front

The 22nd of October 2020 will go down in history as the day when, after years of attacks on women’s rights, the right finally got its way and drastically curtailed the right to abortion in Poland. This time, it was not the legislature or the executive that became a tool in the hands of conservatives, but the judiciary that is so cherished by the opposition.

Continue reading Poland: Judicial Ban on Abortion is an Attack on the Working Class!

Women and the Struggle for Socialism

For Marxists, the root cause of all forms of oppression consists in the division of society into classes. But oppression can take many forms. Alongside class oppression we find the oppression of one nation over another, racial oppression, and the oppression of women. Continue reading Women and the Struggle for Socialism